学术报告:How to Write an IEEE Style Paper and Get it Published?
How to Write an IEEE Style Paper and Get it Published?
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is world’s largest professional association which is best known, among other engineering disciplines, for its high quality flagship journal and conference publications.
For electrical engineering graduate students and researchers, it is increasingly important to publish their research findings in core IEEE journals and conferences. However, most top IEEE journals and conferences typically have acceptance rate at 35% or much less, and it is also rare that a manuscript receives an outright acceptance.
In this talk, I will introduce basic elements of an IEEE style paper, and offer some personal tips and strategies on how to improve the odds of acceptance. The goal of this presentation is to provide the proper guidance to the beginning graduate students so that, with some practice, they can write an IEEE style paper with high confidence. These graduate students can then focus more on the technical contributions of their work.
Julian Cheng于加拿大亚伯达大学获得了电气工程专业的博士学位,目前是加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学工程学院的教授、博士生导师。他的研究领域包括无线通信理论、无线网络、无线光通信、量子通信等。Cheng教授是多个美国IEEE会议和研讨会的技术委员会委员,曾任第12届加拿大信息论研讨会联席主席、2012年无线通信大会主席、2015年全球通信大会之第6届IEEE无线光通信研讨会主席等职。目前,他担任了IEEE通信学报、IEEE无线通信学报、IEEE通信快报、IEEE Access等国际期刊的副编辑,并曾任IEEE JSAC期刊的无线光通信专刊的客座编辑。他还是加拿大信息论协会的当值主席。