学术报告:How to Prepare an Acceptable Paper for Highly Ranked Journals
How to Prepare an Acceptable Paper for Highly Ranked Journals
题 目: How to Prepare an Acceptable Paper for Highly Ranked Journals
报告人:Kim F. Man 讲席教授
IEEE Fellow
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics (2013-2016)
Co-Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics (2010-2012)
Editor-in-Chief, Real Times Systems (1997-2006)
主持人:郑少勇 副教授
A respectable but highly ranked scientific journal must have the support of a string of critical measures. This talk is to address the desirable substances of a paper that can fulfill most of these measures in a highly ranked journal.
It starts with the financial implication of a journal. We all should take heart from the fact that no journal is sustainable if it’s not financially viable. The financial burden can further be aggregated as most of the published papers are free of charges should the paper size is within the allowable limit. Therefore, number of subscriptions and volume of downloads are the mains sources of journal’s income. This in turn, would impose stringent requirements to the journal managerial team and editors for maintaining a high standard journal when both the technical criteria as well as financial means be achievable for justifying its reputable standing and longevity.
As such, the main features of the measure criteria, Web of Science (Thomson Reuters, adopted by all IEEE Transactions) will be outlined in details in this talk and to show the way how these criteria can affect the ranking of the journals.
Furthermore, a few rule of thumb guidelines are also given for improving the writing style of papers so that it may help to earn the sympathy of the reviewers and editors for accepting , or at least, not to rejecting the paper, during the review process.
Kim F Man received his PhD from Cranfield Institute of Technology UK. He is a Fellow of IEEE, former Head of Electronic Engineering Department and Chair Professor at City University of Hong Kong. He has been the co-Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and Real Time Systems. He also served as the Vice-President for Technical Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.