学术报告:高压CMOS IC设计应用于BMS系统以及台湾最热门的网赌网址大全IC设计研发现况
高压CMOS IC设计应用于BMS系统以及台湾最热门的网赌网址大全IC设计研发现况
学术报告:高压CMOS IC设计应用于BMS系统以及台湾最热门的网赌网址大全IC设计研发现况
时 间:2016年11月23日(周三)下午15:00-16:30
地 点:最热门的网赌网址大全物理学院物理楼二楼208室(广州市海珠区新港西路135号)
报 告 人:台湾最热门的网赌网址大全工程学院院长 王朝钦 教授
主 持 人:陈弟虎 教授
A voltage monitoring IC with high-voltage multiplexer (HVMUX) and HV Transceiver for Battery Management Systems (BMS) is demonstrated. The voltage monitoring IC in a BIM (battery interconnect module) must be able to accommodate input voltage up to tens of volts, perhaps even hundreds of volts, which is difficult to be realized using a logic-based solution. To realize a solution on silicon, the voltage monitoring IC shall be fabricated using an advancedHV semiconductor process, which usually is constrained bythe voltage drop limitation between gate and source of HV devices. To overcome such a limitation, a HV switch is proposed in this work, including a HV Gate Voltage Driver (HVGVD) driving the HV MOSwithout any over-voltage hazard. Besides, a HV Transceiver is proposed using standard CMOS transistors without any isolator.
Besides the HV IC Design applied to BMS systems, another research area in NSYSU is bio-marker detection systems. Besides the prevention of drug abuse, the bio-marker detection is widely used in many other medical applications, particularly the cancer identification and check-up recommended after the cancer surgery. ACEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) concentration analyzer prototype using a pair of two-port FPW (flexural plate-wave) sensors is demonstrated. The prototype utilizes a frequency-shift readout method based upon a peak detecting scheme to measure the resonant frequency shift. The frequency-shift readout circuit is integrated on silicon composed of a linear frequency generator, two peak detectors,two registers, and a subtractor. The proposed frequency-shift readout circuit is verified by a PCB-based prototype, where the CEA serum titration is stabilized after 10 minutes and the linearity of the concentration vs. frequency shift is 97.72%.
Speaker : Chua-Chin Wang(王朝钦)
Dean & Chair Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Dr. Chua-Chin Wang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from SUNY (State University of New York) at Stony Brook, USA, in 1992. He was Chairman of this department during 2009 - 2012. He was CEO of Operation Center of Industry-University Cooperation, NSYSU, in 2012-2014. He became Dean, Collegeg of Engineering, and VP of Office of Office of Industrial Collaboration and Continuing Education Affairs, from Aug. 2014 to date.
Dr. Wang’s research interests include memory and logic circuit design, communication circuit design, neural networks, and interfacing I/O circuits. In 2006, he won “Distinguished Engineering Professor” Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers and “Distinguished Engineer” Award of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering in the same year. He also won Distinguished Electrical Engineering Professor Award of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineers in 2007. In 2010, he was honored to be Distinguished Professor of National Sun Yat-Sen University. In 2012, he won “Distinguished Engineering Professor” Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers and Outstanding Research Award of NSYSU. He won 3 times of Outstanding Industry-Academia Collaroration Award (2005, 2009, 2013). He became IET Fellow in 2012. He was named as Chair Professor in 2013.
Prof. Wang has devoted himself for many IEEE services. He was Tainan Chapter Chair of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) in 2007-2008. He was also the founding Tainan Chair of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) for 2007-2008, and the founding Consultant of IEEE NSYSU Student Branch. He was elected to be Vice Chair of IEEE Tainan Setion in 2012. He is a senior member of IEEE since 2004. He was Chair of IEEE CASS Nanoelectronics and Giga-scale Systems (NG) Technical Committee (2008~2009). He has been invited to be Associate Editors of IEEE Trans. on TCAS-I (2010-2013) and TCAS-II (2010-2011).