


Workshop on Integrated Photonics Devices and Multi-Dimensional Optical Signal Processing


时间:2016年12月18号上午9:00 - 12:30

Time:  9:00 - 12:30, Dec. 18th, 2016


Venue: Room 321, Building of State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, East Campus of Guangzhou, SYSU

主持人: 李朝晖教授

Presider:  Prof. Zhaohui Li





Prof. Yung-Jui Chen

National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Title: Silicon Photonics for Current and Future Applications in Information Technology


The relentless push toward the Moore’s law limits by integrated circuit (IC) industry produces excellent nano-scale silicon fabrication processes that pave a bright future for the silicon photonics technology. The current silicon photonics platform is based on SOI waveguides which exhibit a large index contrast between core (Si) and cladding (SiOx) materials. It leads to a strong mode confinement in Si waveguide that yields highly dense planar lightwave circuits. Silicon photonics possesses the unique advantages of: CMOS compatibility for low cost high yield production; integrate-able to VLSI circuits for control and functionality intelligence; and a full arsenal of passive and active components for communications, networking, signal processing and sensor operations. Applications of information technology based on silicon photonics includes broad band interconnects that take advantage of optical communication channels for both short and long hauls.; Integrated signal processing solutions of optical communication signals that utilize the polarization, phase and wavelength characteristics of photons; Highly integrated optoelectronic circuits for various sensor applications; Integrated optoelectronic circuits with intelligent electronic circuits for current and future information technological applications.

In this tutorial talk, we will briefly review the evolution and development of silicon photonics technology and highlight a few exciting current and future applications.  One of the most important up-and coming technology areas is Internet of Things (IoT) that combines smart sensors, broad band communications, and big data analysis.  Silicon photonics technology is uniquely positioned as the enabling technology platform.




Prof. Chao Lu

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Title: Transmission Techniques for Inter and Intra Data Centre Systems

Abstract: The proliferation of optical transmission technology in high capacity data centre systems has driven the research study on techniques that can enable low cost, low energy consumption transmission over short distance. The focus has been on direct detected systems due to cost and energy concerns. High order modulation schemes with direct detection has been investigated since the bandwidth of optical components utilized in such systems is typically much lower than desired data rate. Here we describe the study we have carried out on a number of modulation schemes and corresponding digital signal processing employed to optimize system capacity. The focus will be on direct detected polarization multiplexing schemes. Theoretical study and experimental demonstration will be highlighted. Some of the key challenges and future perspectives will be discussed.




Dr. Chongjin Xie

Alibaba Labs

Title: 数据中心光通信技术

Abstract: 报告讨论了数据中心的光通信技术,包括数据中心内部光互连技术以及连接数据中心间的光网络技术。报告阐述了数据中心光通信技术的发展现状、数据中心对光连接技术的要求、面临的挑战以及对未来发展的思考。








Dr. Liangchuan Li

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Title: 超100G光传输技术趋势

Abstract: 展望未来光网络的先进调制技术及趋势。




Dr. Xuming ZHANG

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Title: Artificial photosynthesis of glucose using solar photocatalysis

Abstract: Solar energy is the fundamental energy source of human being. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase of research interest in the photocatalysis technology that focuses on the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy, such as the degradation of organic pollutant, the splitting of water into hydrogen and the capture of CO2 into energy-rich carbohydrates. However, the current photocatalysis technology has the fundamental problems such as mass transfer limit, photon transfer limit, electron/hole recombination, oxygen deficiency/removal and many others. To overcome these problems, our group has explored the microfluidics technology and has found that it can significantly improve the efficiency of photodegradation of organics. Recently, we have attempted to generate glucose using CO2 and sunlight by replicating the photosynthetic processes in a microfluidic chip, and have successfully realized the functions of NADPH regeneration, glucose conversion and deoxygenation. This work may lead to a new route to producing basic food materials like sugar and starch using factory-like production lines.



Speaker Biography


Chen, Yung Jui (Ray)  陳永睿


                                                                                  Office Address:
Department of Photonics
National Sun Yat-sen University
No. 70 Lien Hai Road, Kaohsiung, 804 Taiwan

Phone:+886-7-525-2000 x4457
Fax: +886-7-525-4499




        October 1965 – June 1969                                                                                                                                  BS

Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University

        August, 1970 – May, 1977                                                                                                                             Ph.D.

Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania

Major Experience:

2012-                                                                                                                                          Department Chair

2011-               Department of Photonics, NSYSU                                                                  Chair Professor

2011-               Southern Taiwan Opto-electronics Center of Excellence                                       Director

1987-2011      Department of CSEE, UMBC                                                                                      Professor

1987-2011      Photonics Technology Center, UMBC                                                                         Director

1988-1990      EE program, UMBC, Maryland, USA                                                                           Director

1980-1987      GTE Laboratories, Mass., USA                                 Principal Member of Technical Staff

1977‑1980      McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co., Calif., USA                                     Senior Scientist

Research Interests:

Silicon photonics devices and subsystems for information technology (optical communications and networking, optical interconnect, nano/micro-optical sensors and biomedical detectors); Planar lightwave circuit (PLC) and photonic integrated circuits (PIC), reconfigurable WDM networks.


UMBC Presidential Research Professor (2002-2005)

Fellow of Optical Society of America (2003)

Fellow of Photonics Society of Chinese Americans (2000)

Outstanding Research Award, College of Engineering, UMBC (1989)

Professional relationships

Consultant of Corning, Lightwave Microsystems, Headway, Laboratory for Physical Sciences, Axon Photonics, Little Optics, Sorrento Networks, Seneca Networks, ANDevices, EOS Lab-ITRI (Taiwan), Union Chemical Lab-ITRI, Chunghwa Telecom and other companies and research institutions.




Deputy Leader of Communications Research Group



Mailing Address:

Room DE640 
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Telephone / Facsimile:

+852 2766 6281 / +852 2362 8439

E-mail address:


Teaching Areas:

Electronics, communications

Research Areas:

Photonics, optical communications



Brief Bio:

Prof. Chao Lu obtained his BEng in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 1985, and his MSc and PhD from University of Manchester in 1987 and 1990 respectively. He joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as Lecturer in 1991 and has been an Associate Professor since January 1999. From June 2002 to December 2005, he was seconded to the Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, as Program Director and Department Manager, helping to establish a research group in the area of optical communication and fibre devices. Since April 2006, he has been a Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are optical communication systems and networks, fibre devices for optical communication and sensor systems.


谢崇进于1996年和1999年在北京邮电大学获得硕士和博士学位。他的博士论文获得2003年中国百名优秀博士论文提名奖。1999年他赴瑞典查尔默斯技术大学(Chalmers University of Technology)从事博士后研究工作。谢崇进博士于2001年5月加入位于美国新泽西州的贝尔实验室,从事光纤通信系统和网络技术研究工作,是贝尔实验室杰出研究员(Distinguished Member of Technical Staff)。在贝尔实验室工作期间,他参与多项大容量高速光通信系统的研究,包括10G和40G的光直接检测系统及100G和400G的光相干检测系统,他三次获得贝尔实验室主席奖。谢崇进博士于2014年11月加入阿里巴巴集团,任阿里巴巴基础架构事业群资深技术总监和首席光网络架构师,负责阿里巴巴数据中心光互连和光网络技术的研发、规划、设计和实施。

谢崇进博士发表了200多篇学术论文,编辑出版了一本学术著作和两个学术著作章节,并获得50多项专利。他受邀参加美国工程院2013年工程前沿课题研讨会(只有100位45岁以下的杰出科研人员和工程师受邀参加)。谢崇进博士是Journal of Lightwave Technology的副编辑,担任多个国际学术会议技术委员会主席及委员。他是美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)和电气与电子工程师协会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member)。




Dr. ZHANG, Xuming

B.Eng., University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), CHINA

M.Eng., Shanghai Institute of Optics &Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

M.Eng., National University of Singapore (NUS), SINGAPORE

Ph.D.,  Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE

 Associate Professor

Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Tel. :  (852) 3400 3258
Fax.:  (852) 2333 7629 
Email: apzhang@polyu.edu.hk 
My Web Page: http://ap.polyu.edu.hk/apzhang 


星期日, 2016/12/18 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
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