主要从事面向光通信、光网络、光计算的硅基光电集成芯片研究,特别针对光电子集成芯片需要在硅基无源光子平台上集成化合物半导体有源光电子器件的核心问题,聚焦利用“侧向选区外延”方法突破“硅基III-V族激光器单片集成”这一关键研究瓶颈。在光电领域国际期刊上以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表论文20余篇;其中2篇文章入围Optica、Optics Letters年度Top-15高引榜单;研究成果数十次被Photonics.com、Compound Semiconductor、Phys.org等国际科技媒体广泛报道;同时多次被中科院、IBM、Intel、IMEC、NTT、UCSB、III-V Lab等学术界与工业界顶级研究机构引用;并数次获业内专家在综述文章中的认可与大篇幅引用。
- Frontiers in Physics
Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Journal of Lightwave Technology , ACS Photonics, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Optics, Wiley's Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Applied Sciences , Journal of the Optical Society of America B
2018.09-2021.01 香港科技大学 电子与计算机工程 博后
2014.08-2018.08 香港科技大学 电子与计算机工程 博士
2010.09-2014.06 华中科技大学 光信息科学与技术 学士
- 硅基III-V族半导体MOCVD异质外延,
- 硅基III-V族半导体激光器与探测器,
- 硅基无源光电器件与III-V族有源光电器件的片上光互连
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025-2028
- 国家高层次人才项目,2023-2026
- 基本科研业务费-青年教师培育项目,2023-2025
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 2022-2024
- 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 2022-2024
- 广州市科技计划基础与应用研究基础项目, 2022-2024
- 最热门的网赌网址大全“百人计划”引进人才启动经费
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,
- 国家重点研发计划,
- 香港特别行政区政府-研究资助局,Lateral Integration of III-V Lasers on SOI
- 香港特别行政区政府-创新科技署,Semiconductor Quantum Dot Lasers Emitting in the Red
- 香港特别行政区政府-创新科技署,A Photonic Manufacturing Platform for Energy-Efficient, High-Performance Computing and Communications
- 香港特别行政区政府-研究资助局,III-V Compound Tunnel Devices on Silicon
Zhaojie Ren, and Yu Han*. "Compact light couplers for lateral III–V membrane devices grown on SOI platforms." Optics Letters 49, no. 10: 2685-2688 (2024).
Donghui Fu, Zhaojie Ren, Yunjiang Jin*, Yu Han*, and Siyuan Yu, Buried InGaAs/InP Quantum Wells Selectively Grown on SOI for Lateral Membrane Laser Diodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 081102 (2024).
Cong Zeng, Donghui Fu, Yunjiang Jin, and Yu Han. "Recent Progress in III–V Photodetectors Grown on Silicon." In Photonics, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 573. MDPI, 2023. (invited review)
1. Ying Xue, Yu Han, Yi Wang, Jie Li, Jingyi Wang, Zunyue Zhang, Xinlun Cai, Hon Ki Tsang, and Kei May Lau. “High speed and low dark current Si-waveguide coupled III-V photodetectors selectively grown on SOI”Optica 9, no.11, pp.1219-1226 (2022).
2. Yu Han, Hyundai Park, John Bowers, Kei May Lau. "Recent advances in light sources on silicon." Advances in Optics and Photonics 14, no. 3: 404-454, (2022). (invited review)
1. Zhao Yan, # Yu Han, # Liying Lin, Ying Xue, Chao Ma, Wai Kit Ng, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau. “A monolithic InP/SOI platform for integrated photonics” Light: Science & Applications, 10, no.200 (2021). (Co-first author)
Feature story by multiple technology medias
- Monolithic PIC platform combines efficiency of light source, economy of scale (Photonics.com, News Break)
- Hong Kong team develops monolithc InP/SOI platform (Compound Semiconductor)
- A monolithic InP/SOI platform for integrated photonics (EurekAlert)
2. Ying Xue,# Yu Han,# Yeyu Tong, Zhao Yan, Yi Wang, Zunyue Zhang, Hon Ki Tsang, and Kei May Lau. “High Performance III-V photodetectors on a monolithic InP/SOI platform”Optica, 8, no.9, pp.1204-1209 (2021). (Co-first author)
Feature story by multiple technology medias:
- HKUST scientists demonstrate high-performance photodetectors grown on SOI for silicon photonics (Semiconductor Today, Science Daily, Techilai, HKUST News release, News Robin, USA Newsmann, EurekAlert, Academic Gates, Syntec Optics)
- High performance photodetectors for silicon photonics (OSA Optics&Photonics News)
3. Yu Han, Ying Xue, Zhao Yan, and Kei May Lau. “Selectively grown III-V lasers for integrated Si-photonics” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, no.4, pp.940-948 (2021) (Invited paper).
Before 2021
1. Yu Han, and Kei May Lau. “III-V lasers selectively grown on (001) silicon” Journal of Applied Physics, 128, no.20, pp.200901 (2020).
- Invited Perspective
- Editor's pick
2. Yu Han, Zhao Yan, Ying Xue, and Kei May Lau. “Micrometer-scale InP selectively grown on SOI for fully-integrated Si-photonics” Applied Physics Letters, 117, no. 5, 052102 (2020).
3. Yu Han, Zhao Yan, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Kar Wei Ng, Kam Sing Wong and Kei May Lau, “III-V micro- and nano-lasers deposited on amorphous SiO2,” Applied Physics Letters, 116, no. 17, 172102 (2020).
4. Yu Han, Zhao Yan, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau. "Bufferless 1.5 µm III-V lasers grown on Si-photonics 220 nm silicon-on-insulator platforms" Optica 7, no. 2, 148-153 (2020).
- Top 15 Most-Cited Papers from Optica since 2020
- Feature story by multiple technology medias
- III-V Lasers Grown on Silicon Wafers Could Advance Silicon Photonics (Photonics.com)
- Hong Kong team grows bufferless III-V lasers on silicon (Compound Semiconductor, PIC Magazine)
- First bufferless 1.5 μm III-V lasers grown directly on silicon wafers in Si-photonics (Semiconductor Today, Phys.org, Science Magazine, Science Codex, Physnews, Eurekalert, Sciligent, Newsbreak, 15 Minute News, Nanowerk, Parallelstate, Longroom, Newsround, Newslocker, HKUST ECE news release)
- Novel Growth Scheme Avoids Use of Buffers in Si-Based Photonic Integrated Circuits (AZO Photonics)
- Researchers grow III-V lasers on standard SOI wafers (eeNews Europe)
5. Ying Xue#, Yu Han#, Yi Wang, Zunyue Zhang, Hon Ki Tsang, and Kei May Lau. "Bufferless III-V photodetectors directly grown on silicon-on-insulators" Optics Letters, 45, no. 7, 1754-1757 (2020). (Co-first author)
6. Zhao Yan#, Yu Han#, and Kei May Lau. “InAs nano-fins and thin films grown on (001) silicon substrates” Journal of Applied Physics, 128(3), 035302 (2020). (Co-first author)
7. Yu Han, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau. "Room temperature III-V nanolasers with distributed Bragg reflectors epitaxially grown on (001) silicon-on-insulators" Photonics Research 7, no. 9, 1081-1086 (2019).
8. Yu Han, Ying Xue, and Kei May Lau. “Selective lateral epitaxy of dislocation-free InP on silicon-on-insulators” Applied Physics Letters 114, no. 19, 192105 (2019).
- Editor’s Pick;
- Most Read Editor’s Picks of 2019
- Highly Cited, Highly Read Research in Semiconductors
9. Yu Han, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Qiang Li, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau. "Telecom InP/InGaAs nano-laser array directly grown on (001) silicon-on-insulator" Optics Letters 44, no. 4, 767-770 (2019).
- Featured story by Compound Semiconductor
- Top 15 Most-Cited Papers from Optics Letters since 2019
10. Yu Han, Wai Kit Ng, Chao Ma, Qiang Li, Si Zhu, Christopher CS Chan, Kai Wei Ng, Stephen Lennon, Robert Taylor, Kam Sing Wong and Kei May Lau. "Room temperature InP/InGaAs nano-ridge lasers grown on Si and emitting at telecom bands" Optica 5, no. 8, 918-923 (2018).
11. Yu Han, Qiang Li, Kai Wei Ng, Si Zhu, and Kei May Lau. "InGaAs/InP quantum wires grown on silicon with adjustable emission wavelength at telecom bands." Nanotechnology 29, no. 22, 225601 (2018).
12. Yu Han, Qiang Li, Si Zhu, Kar Wei Ng, and Kei May Lau. "Continuous-wave lasing from InP/InGaAs nanoridges at telecommunication wavelengths." Applied Physics Letters 111, no. 21, 212101 (2017).
13. Yu Han, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau. "Tristate Memory Cells Using Double-Peaked Fin-Array III–V Tunnel Diodes Monolithically Grown on (001) Silicon Substrates." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64, no. 10, 4078-4083 (2017).
14. Yu Han, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau. "Fin-array tunneling trigger with tunable hysteresis on (001) silicon substrate." IEEE Electron Device Letters 38, no. 5, 556-559 (2017).
15. Yu Han, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau. "Highly ordered horizontal indium gallium arsenide/indium phosphide multi-quantum-well in wire structure on (001) silicon substrates." Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 24, 245701 (2016).
16. Yu Han, Qiang Li, Shih-Pang Chang, Wen-Da Hsu, and Kei May Lau. "Growing InGaAs quasi-quantum wires inside semi-rhombic shaped planar InP nanowires on exact (001) silicon." Applied Physics Letters 108, no. 24, 242105 (2016).
17. Yu Han, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau. "Monolithic integration of tunnel diode-based inverters on exact (001) Si substrates." IEEE Electron Device Letters 37, no. 6, 717-720 (2016).
18. Wai Kit Ng, Yu Han, Kei May Lau, and Kam Sing Wong. “Broadband telecom emission from InP/InGaAs nano-ridge lasers on silicon-on-insulator substrate” OSA Continuum, 2, no. 11, 3037-3043 (2019).
19. Bei Shi, Yu Han, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau. “1.55 µm lasers epitaxially grown on silicon” Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 25, no. 6, 1-11 (2019) (Invited paper).
20. Zhao Yan, Yu Han, and Kei May Lau. “Multi-junction InAs/GaSb nano-ridges directly grown on (001) Si” Nanotechnology, 31, no. 34, 345707 (2020).
21. Qiang Li, Yu Han, Xing Lu, and Kei May Lau. "GaAs-InGaAs-GaAs fin-array tunnel diodes on (001) Si substrates with room-temperature peak-to-valley current ratio of 5.4." IEEE Electron Device Letters 37, no. 1, 24-27(2016)
- Qiang Li, Bei Shi and Yu Han. “Silicon-Based Lasers”. Handbook of Laser Technology and Applications by CRC Press. (invited).
- Kei May Lau and Yu Han. “Dots and wells deliver lasing on silicon”. Compound Semiconductor, Volume 25 Issue 4 (invited)
- Donghui Fu, Cong Zeng, Yunjiang Jin,Yu Han, and Siyuan Yu “Uniform InP Membranes Selectively Grown on SOI by Lateral Aspect Ratio Trapping” Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), Jeju Korea, 29th May to 2rd June, 2023.
- Yu Han, Zhao Yan, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Kam Sing Wong and Kei May Lau, “InP-based lasers grown on 220 nm SOI by lateral/vertical aspect ratio trapping,” IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver Canada, 27th Sept to 1st Oct, 2020.
- Yu Han, Wai Kit Ng, Ying Xue, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau, “Telecom III-V nano-lasers with distributed Bragg reflectors grown on (001) silicon-on-insulators” IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), San Antonio USA, 29th Sept to 3rd Oct, 2019.
- Yu Han, Si Zhu, Bei Shi, Qiang Li, and Kei May Lau, “III-V lasers emitting at 1.3 to 1.5 µm grown on (001) silicon by MOCVD,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose USA, 5th to 10th May, 2019 (Invited).
- Yu Han, Chao Ma, Wai Kit Ng, Qiang Li, Kam Sing Wong, and Kei May Lau, “Room temperature lasing from InP/InGaAs nano-ridges at telecom-bands ,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose USA, 13th to 18th May, 2018.
- Yu Han, Qiang Li, Si Zhu, and Kei May Lau, “InP/InGaAs nano-ridge array on exact (001) silicon substrate emitting at telecommunication wavelengths,” Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), Berlin Germany, 14th to 18th May, 2017.
- Yu Han, Qiang Li, Shih-Pang Chang, Wen-Da Hsu, and Kei May Lau, “InP Nanowire Arrays with Embedded InGaAs Quantum wells Grown on Patterned (001) Si Substrates,” International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Epitaxy (ICMOVPE), San Diego USA, 10th to 15th July, 2016.
- Kei May Lau, Yu Han, Si Zhu, Wei Luo, and Ying Xue. “III-V micro- and nano-lasers grown on silicon emitting in the telecom band” Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego USA, 8th to 12tst March, 2020. (Invited).
- Zhao Yan, Yu Han, and Kei May Lau, “Multi-heterojunction InAs/GaSb nano-ridges directly grown on (001) Si,” International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Guangzhou China, 20th to 28tst July, 2019 (Best paper award).
- Wai Kit Ng, Yu Han, Kei May Lau, and Kam Sing Wong. “Wavelength Tuning over 200 nm Range from InP/InGaAs Nano-lasers Grown on SOI” CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC 2019, Munich Germany, 23 – 27 June 2019.
- Zhao Yan, Yu Han, and Kei May Lau, “High Responsivity InP Nano Photo-Detector Monolithic Integrated on (001) Silicon Substrates by Heteroepitaxy,” Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), Boston USA, 29th May to 1tst June, 2018.
- Qiang Li, Yu Han, and Kei May Lau, “GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As fin-array-Esaki tunnel diodes fabricated on (001) silicon by aspect ratio trapping,” International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), Sapporo Japan, 27th to 30th September, 2015.
- 香港政府奖学金Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Award (HKPFS), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (2014 - 2018)
- 优秀毕业生, 华中科技大学 (2014)
- 国家奖学金 (2013)
- 国家奖学金 (2012)